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al-Israiliyat fi Tafsir al-Tabari: Dirasah fi al-lughah wa-al-masadir al-Ibriyah (Unknown Binding)
by Amal Abd al-Rahman Rabi (Author)

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Editorial Reviews
Language Notes
Text: Arabic

Card catalog description
Jewish interpretations in òTabaråi, 838?-923"s Jåami° al-bayåan °an ta®wåil åay al-Qur®åan; Koran; commentaries, interpretation, etc.; thesis.

Product Details
  • Unknown Binding: 510 pages
  • Publisher: Dar al-Thaqafah al-Arabiyah (2000)
  • Language: Arabic
  • ISBN-10: 9772221942
  • ISBN-13: 978-9772221943

ارسال شده در توسط محمد تقی دیاری بیدگلی